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Print Forms Information
Georgia Composite Medical Board
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE East Tower, 11th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30334 US
TEL: (404) 656-3913
FAX: (404) 656-9723
The Georgia Composite Medical Board requires users of our web page to download and use the forms found on this web site for applications for licensure, petition for rule waiver, complaint forms and job applications. Many of the forms are designed with legal requirements or Board rules in mind. Use of any form not specifically authorized by the Board may cause you unnecessary delays. For example, most applications utilize a Board approved reference letterform. The use of a free-style text letter of reference for physician licensure and other license or certificate types is unacceptable. These forms are available on this web site and require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer, please click here to download this free software. Then please click on any of the following titles to download our forms:
If, for any reason, you are not able to access these forms, please call us at (404) 656-3913 and we will gladly mail you the pre-printed forms you are seeking. Or, you may write to us at the address cited above to request the forms.