Office Directions / Parking

2 MLK Jr. Drive SE
East Tower, 11th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30334
Use Google Maps for directions
Parking Options
The following parking facilities are open to the general public through the Georgia Building Authority. Parking facilities may be closed on State Holidays. Events scheduled through the Georgia Building Authority may affect hours of operation.
- Pete Hackney
162 Jesse Hill Jr., Drive, Atlanta, GA
Operated by the Georgia Building Authority.
Located at the corner of Jesse Hill Jr. Drive and Decatur Street.
In lane pay stations accept credit cards only 6 AM-7 PM.
Maximum height: 8' 2".
MARTA Options
The closest MARTA station to the Twin Towers buildings is the Georgia State MARTA Station.
Building Security Requirements
Visitors will be required to present a valid photo ID (driver's license, military ID, or other government-issued ID cards). All visitors with briefcases, laptop satchels, large purses, or other bags will be required to place those items through the X-ray machine.