GA Pharmacy Board Memo on Security Paper
Schedule II prescriptions required be written on Board of Pharmacy approved security paper.
On July 1, 2011, O.C.G.A.§ 26-4-80.1 was signed into law requiring that certain Schedule II prescriptions must be written on Board of Pharmacy approved security paper. Effective October 1, 2011, hard copy prescription drug orders for any Schedule II controlled substance's must be written on security paper. The security paper requirement will not apply to:
(1)Prescriptions that are transmitted to the pharmacy by telephone, facsimile, or electronic means; or
(2)Prescriptions written for inpatients of a hospital, outpatients of a hospital, residents of a nursing home, inpatients or residents of a mental health facility, or individuals incarcerated in a local, state, or federal correctional facility when the health care practitioner authorized to write prescriptions writes the order into the patient's medical or clinical record, the order is given directly to the pharmacy, and the patient never has the opportunity to handle the written order.
Please see further information in the Board of Pharmacy's memo to pharmacists regarding the new law.