Continuing Education and Other Required Training for Physicians
In general, physicians licensed to practice medicine are required to complete Board approved continuing medical education of not less than 40 hours biennially. Some exceptions apply (see Rule 360-15-.01 for more information).
The Board accepts the following as meeting its requirement for Board approval:
- A.M.A. (American Medical Association) Category 1 credit;
- A.O.A. (American Osteopathic Association) Category 1 credit;
- A.A.F.P. (American Academy of Family Physicians) Prescribed credit;
- A.C.O.G. (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) Cognates, Category 1;
- A.C.E.P. (American College of Emergency Physicians) Category 1.
- It is the responsibility of the licensee to verify approval with the source of the program, not with the Board, and the licensee should verify approval before taking the course.
The Board has engaged the services of CE Broker to assist licensees with free continuing education compliance. While participation in CE Broker is not required, the Board encourages its licensees to utilize the system. CE Broker’s software will streamline the continuing education process and give licensees access to a centralized hub where they can find relevant courses, track progress, and maintain records. Licensees can sign up for a free account with CE Broker, or they can upgrade to a premium account with more features. Click HERE to sign up for an account with CE Broker.
Physicians who do not hold a certification in pain management or palliative medicine, and who work in a pain clinic must demonstrate competence by biennially obtaining 20 hours of continuing medical education ("CME") pertaining to pain management or palliative medicine. Such CME must be an AMA/AOA PRA Category 1 CME, a board-approved CME program, or any federally approved CME. Completion of this requirement may count as 20 hours toward the CME requirement for license renewal.
Every physician who maintains an active DEA certificate and prescribes controlled substances shall complete at least three hours of AMA/AOA PRA Category 1 CME that is designed specifically to address controlled substance prescribing practices. The controlled substance prescribing CME shall include instruction on controlled substance prescribing guidelines, recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances, and controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management. Completion of this requirement may count as three hours toward the CME requirement for license renewal and only needs to be completed once during a physician’s career. See links at bottom of this page for CME meeting this requirement.
All physicians shall be required to receive at least two hours of education and training regarding professional boundaries and physician sexual misconduct. Such education and training shall include subject matter relating to how to proceed with basic as well as sensitive or intimate examinations and the communication with patients that is required as a component of such examinations. Completion of this requirement may count as two hours toward the CME requirement for license renewal and only needs to be completed once during a physician’s career. See links at bottom of this page for CME meeting this requirement. More information on this topic can also be found by clicking HERE.
Some CME can be waived in certain situations as well, such as providing peer reviews of investigative cases for the Board or providing uncompensated health care services (e.g. free clinics). For more information, please see Rule 360-15-.01.
Each licensed physician who must meet these requirements must maintain records of attendance and supporting documents for continuing education for a period of 5 years from the date of attendance. At a minimum, the following must be kept:
- Name of provider;
- Name of program;
- Hours/continuing education Units completed;
- Date of Completion;
- Evidence of A.M.A. Category 1 credit or A.O.A. Category 1 credit.
Physicians will be required to answer questions on their biennial renewal form which establish either compliance or eligibility for exception pursuant to Rule 360-15-.01. Physicians will not be required to send documentation of compliance with continuing education requirements for renewal, unless requested by the Board, pursuant to Rule 360-15-.02. False statements regarding satisfaction of continuing education requirements on the renewal form or any other documents connected with the practice of medicine may subject the licensee to disciplinary action by the Board.
The Board will audit a fixed percentage of randomly selected renewal applications to monitor compliance with the continuing medical education requirements. Any physician so audited will be required to furnish records of attendance and certificates of completion.
Continuing medical education hours that are used to satisfy a deficiency or Board order shall be excluded from the computation of hours required to be completed for the renewal of the physician's license for the next biennium.
The education options linked below are provided as a courtesy for physicians who are curious what CME meets the requirements mentioned above. This list is not exhaustive; education and training meeting these requirements include but are not limited to:
- (Professional boundary and Sexual Misconduct)
- (Both professional boundaries and prescribing)
- (Both parts 1&2, Professional boundary and Sexual Misconduct) - (Professional boundary and Sexual Misconduct)