Application Portal Maintenance
EGov Portal will be down 1/17/2025 through 1/20/2025
Filing A Complaint
The Georgia Composite Medical Board is responsible for regulating and enforcing the Medical Practice Act and the rules adopted by the Board. The Board’s staff devotes much of its time to this serious responsibility to ensure the public’s safety. Each complaint is evaluated by the Board’s medical director and management staff to determine if the complaint is within the jurisdiction of the GCMB.
The Board in its effort to protect the integrity of the complaint process as well as the Georgia health care consumer, accepts complaints as provided on this web site in a downloadable format for filing by mail, or by filing online at the appropriate link shown below.
Instructions for completing the Complaint Form
Please complete all sections to the best of your ability. Additional details can help with expedited resolutions. If a section does not apply to your complaint, please, write “N/A” (not applicable) in the space provided.
The Board does accept an anonymous complaint. However, there must be sufficient evidence, absent the identity of the complainant, for the Board to determine whether a sanction may be warranted.
To obtain additional information about complaint eligibility and the process (click HERE).
All complaint forms not submitted electronically should be mailed to the Board's address.
When filing a complaint, only include the license number or physician's first and last name into the search box.
The Board discourages anonymous complaints, but if you are considering submitting one, please read the page on this site titled Frequently Asked Questions and refer to the questions on anonymous complaints.
Si necesita un formulario de queja e instrucciones en español, por favor haga clic aquí